Life Coaching for Highly sensitive people

As an HSP, the world makes you feel inadequate and like something is wrong with you. But the truth is that your sensitivity is your strength.

How do you transform something that feels like a weakness into something that allows you to live your life with confidence?

All it takes is some gentle reframing and mindset work, which is the core goal of life coaching.

We can work together to learn how to use your gift of sensitivity so you can build a fulfilling career, nurture healthy relationships, and live a more purposeful life.

Happy HSP Journey

One 60-Minute Session Every Other Week for 12 Weeks (6 One-to-One Sessions)

Investment: $900

Are you a highly sensitive person who no longer wants to:

  • feel overwhelmed at work?

  • doubt your ability to succeed?

  • fuel a negative body image?

  • struggle in relationships with yourself and loved ones?

  • wait for your dreams to become a reality?

  • wonder if you’re ever going to be happy?

In this 6-session, 12-week coaching program, we will unpack everything you need to understand about why your life goals feel so far out of reach. You will gain clarity about what’s holding you back so you can:

  • Stop wondering why you can’t find joy and meaning in life.

  • Start building the life you want and deserve.

Are you ready to put yourself first and build a better future?


Live Your Purpose

One 60-Minute Session Every Other Week for 24 Weeks (12 One-to-One Sessions)

Investment: $1740

Are you a highly sensitive person who is uncertain about your purpose in life? Do you yearn to make a difference in the world but feel like there’s more you can do?

Perhaps you often feel like your dreams are out of reach, along with:

  • overwhelm

  • anxiety

  • confusion

  • self-consciousness

  • lack of direction

  • feeling stuck

Stop overthinking your next steps and waiting for your purpose to find you. You can take charge of your destiny. There are three simple things you can do — today — to get clear on what you want to do in life and make it a reality.

During this 12-session coaching program, you will:

  1. Find your purpose in life — the one that you were created for and that brings you joy.

  2. Use one simple word that will help you get through any challenge or setback.

  3. Take meaningful action each day toward building your new reality.

People need more highly sensitive people like you to step into their purpose and make the world a better place.


Kind Words from Past Clients

I was at a breaking point in my personal and professional life when I met Kim. Kim immediately saw how conflicted I was feeling and how hard I was being on myself. I was truly about to GIVE UP on everything I had worked so hard for.

Through Happy HSP Coaching, I learned SO much about myself in just a few sessions. I made some major life decisions through Happy HSP Coaching. I decided to keep my business, instead of going to get a 9-5 job where I’d probably be miserable and constantly second guessing myself. Together in Happy HSP Coaching, we determined how close I am to achieving my goals, when I was so close to giving up. I used to feel like I was getting walked all over and everything was out of control. Coaching with Kim has taught me that I can kindly set my boundaries and teach other people around me to follow these boundaries.

From there everything started falling into place. Happy HSP Coaching changed everything for me.

If you can relate, sign up for a session with Kim. The results could change your situation, too.
— Dezaree Stack
As a coach myself, and someone who takes personal development very seriously, I had high expectations going into my session with Kim and she did not disappoint. By giving me a space to think about my challenge through a different lens, and thanks to her great questioning, I was able to discover some “aha” moments to help me in my work and my writing, when otherwise I was stumped and stuck.

She has a very calming presence, which is exactly what I needed to counterbalance my 100-mph thinking. I’m so appreciative of our session together and look forward to seeking out her coaching in the future as well.
— Jolie Higazi
A difficult thing happened to me after connecting with Kimberly and beginning my coaching sessions. I experienced a major crisis that I was completely unprepared for and would affect all areas of my life. I was overwhelmed and panicked — I could not sleep and felt like my head was spinning. As a highly sensitive person, I soon began to slip into the familiar zone of blaming myself and compounding things by criticizing my emotional reaction to the crisis.

I initially intended to focus on a book that I’ve been working on for several years and hoped to benefit from Kimberly’s coaching by helping to keep me accountable to my goal of completing the project. The book is based on a lot of complicated and painful experiences that I’ve had, and I have spent long periods avoiding it because I didn’t want to feel the intense feelings related to my experiences. I needed structure and support to move forward with the book.

Kimberly’s gentle support, by holding space for me in our sessions, allowed me to get myself grounded instead of putting this project on hold again. She asked me questions that helped me focus on staying committed to what I wanted to accomplish. She did not try to offer answers or solutions to my situation, but she helped me recognize that, although I was feeling powerless over this current situation, I was still in the driver’s seat and could choose how or if I wanted to proceed with my goals — despite what else was going on in my life.

Kimberly held space for me and asked me questions that always brought me to a place of asking myself how I can best honor myself and what I want to achieve. I gained so much through the process of my coaching sessions — and it went far beyond completing the book. It’s been an incredibly meaningful — though challenging — time and I’m coming through this crisis feeling stronger and truer to myself than I could have imagined.

I highly recommend Kimberly’s coaching services to anyone who is seeking to reach their goals by gaining clarity and greater self-awareness. I thought I was just looking for support in helping me stay on schedule to complete a project. I had no idea how much I would benefit and that the “project” was not really the book. It was actually my confidence and a remembrance of my authentic capacity to persevere — no matter what life throws at me.
— Maureen Bryant

It’s time to turn your sensitivity into a superpower.